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Who We Are + Who We Serve

Who are we…


Empowering children for a healthy future through hands-on learning in science, food cultivation, and stewardship of the garden ecosystems.


We teach children science, the basics of growing food, and how to be good stewards of the earth using school and community gardens as outdoor classrooms.

We support building resourceful communities that celebrate every member’s unique strengths, talents, culture and perspectives.

Who we serve…

We serve the Eugene 4J, Bethel, Springfield, and Junction City School Districts.

14 of SGP’s 18 partner schools are Title 1A school wide schools. These schools are in communities with high rates of poverty and the Department of Education has identified that every child in attendance needs additional educational support to assure student success.

94% of the schools that the School Garden Project partner with are participating in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) of the free and reduced lunch program. CEP schools are in communities with high rates of families receiving SNAP and TANF benefits. Eligibility for the CEP program means that every child at the school receives a free breakfast and lunch.

When School Garden Project of Lane County partners with a school, our science-based curriculum is delivered by our team of experienced garden educators. Large class sizes transform into small learning communities. We offer more individualized attention and support to the students who need it the most.

For many of our students, our class is the only opportunity they have to taste “fresh” fruits and vegetables.

One of our partner teachers shared that a child in her fifth-grade class that had been shuffled between family members for most of his life and was currently houseless, came to her and thanked her for garden class. He said, “I get to taste things that I have never tasted before!

Partner Schools


Howard Elementary
Chavez Elementary
Holt Elementary
Edgewood Elementary
River Road/Camino del Río Elementary

After School Programs:

Kelly Middle School


Two Rivers-Dos Ríos Elementary
Guy Lee Elementary
Page Elementary
Thurston Elementary
Walterville Elementary

Junction City:

Laurel Elementary


Irving Elementary
Malabon Elementary
Meadow View Elementary
Clear Lake Elementary
Danebo Elementary
Fairfield Elementary

Meet Our Team

Our Staff

Executive Director

Mindy Bell joined the team as Executive Director in 2018. She enjoys all the natural beauty our state has to offer. She has over 18 years private financial sector business management and national team-building experience.

Mindy made a career change to nonprofit service in 2010. She has built programs from the ground up and done advocacy work for underserved communities at both the state and federal government levels.

Operations Director

Heather joined School Garden Project in 2016. One of her earliest memories is sneaking out to her first garden to pull up the carrots to check on their progress. (Sadly, they didn’t get bigger after she carefully put them back in the ground!)

With over a decade of experience in the nonprofit world as both an employee and co-founder of the HHH Foundation, Heather is thrilled to be back in her hometown working at an organization fostering the love of planting, growing and eating real food in children.

Garden Educator

Sara joined School Garden Project in 2022. Sara is thrilled to teach kids science in an environment where students can let curiosity direct their learning and then apply their knowledge in a meaningful, practical way.

Garden Educator

Garden Educator

Garden Educator

Garden Educator

Garden Educator

Flannel Ball Event Coordinator

Development Coordinator

Our Board


Vice President


David Goers is a devoted husband to his wife Stephanie and father of two sons, Joel and Patrick. His passion for the outdoors and education led him to serve on the School Garden Project board.

With a background in plant genetics and clinical chemistry labs, David decided to focus his future on helping families plan for theirs. He earned his AAMS® professional designation in 2013 and his CFP® designation in 2015, demonstrating his commitment to excellence and dedication to the financial planning profession. As Treasurer he is a valued member and contributor of our board.


Board Member

Ken joined the SGP board in 2019.

Ken has been the Community Relations and Engagement officer at Rexius for the last 30 years and is active in the community as the Executive Director of The Hope Project.

Board Member

Kurt Eickhorst is the Sales and Marketing Specialist at Mielke Broadcasting Company. He has been an active community volunteer as an ambassador with the Eugene and Springfield Chambers, a board member with ShelterCare and now with the School Garden Project. Kurt is also an avid gardener and enjoys spending time with his grandchildren in the garden.

Board Member

Liz is the Regional Director of Sales for Mereté Hotel Management and has a passion for hospitality, supporting local youth programs and being an active community member. Liz found her passion for plants and gardening while in Future Farmers of America. She was introduced to the School Garden Project in 2012 and has volunteered throughout the years, now as a Board Member.

Board Member

Leighanna Jagels, ND, is the Medical Operations Director at Oregon Integrated Health. Her passion for community health education led her to serve on the board of the School Garden Project, promoting sustainability and wellness for students.

Our Funders & Partners

School Garden Project of Lane County is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Tax ID (EIN) 01-0755594

454 Willamette St Room 205
Eugene, OR 97401

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