What We Do…
We connect children to the natural world, guiding them to understand the importance of a healthy environment. Our science in the garden lessons encourage exploration and curiosity. We teach strong leadership, personal responsibility, and gentle respect when we work together in the garden. We’re helping to grow our future engineers, scientists, teachers, farmers and parents!
How We Do It…
The School Garden Project works with one grade level at each school, bringing students into the garden for a one-hour lesson every other week for a total of 5 weeks of lessons in the Fall and 5 – 7 weeks of lessons in the Spring.
Activities are designed to introduce children to new science concepts, reinforce reading and vocabulary skills, teach basic gardening skills and encourage eating healthy garden produce. SGP’s curriculum meets Next Generation Science Standards.

Our Programs
SGP measures the outcomes from our programming through our teacher proctored “pre“ and “post“ program student assessments.
Historically our results are as follows:
– 86% of our students demonstrate an increase in science knowledge
-68% of our students report trying more vegetables
-65% of our students report liking more vegetables.
Science In The Garden
We partner with schools in four districts to provide specialized instruction in garden-based learning. We provide and implement a curriculum that meets Next Generation Science Standards.
4J “BEST” Program
As an enrichment partner, SGP delivers STEAM in the garden at multiple sites of the BEST (Boosting and Enriching Students Today) after school program. SGP strives to balance between garden fun and academic enrichment.
Summer Programming
We partner with Boys & Girls Clubs of Emerald Valley and local school districts through the SEAL (Summer Enrichment and Academic Learning) program, bringing garden and science programming to help students boost their wellbeing, expand their learning and re-engage with peers during the summer months.

Community Partners
Bethel School District
4J BEST Afterschool Program
Boys and Girls Club Emerald Valley
Chef Andre Royal
City of Eugene
Cornerstone Community Housing
Escudo Latino
Eugene School District 4J
FFLC Youth Farm
Homes For Good
Huerta/Chavez Celebration
Junction City School District
NextStep Recycling
Oregon Department of Education
OR Farm to School & School Garden Network
Oregon Farm to Child Nutrition Program
Springfield Public Schools
Transition Garden Project
Willamette Farm & Food Coalition
Featured Sponsors
PacificSource Community Solutions
OregonKids Pediatric Dentistry
Organically Grown Company
Whole Foods
WaFd Bank
Partnered IT
Archetype NW
Johnson Brothers Garden Market
Heritage Bank
Downtown Athletic Club
Down To Earth
Broden Media
Territorial Seed Company
Peoria Gardens
OnPoint Community Credit Union
Eugene’s Alternative
Active 20-30 Club
Friendly Street Market & Deli
Moss Adams
Umpqua Bank
Wildcraft Cider Works
Oregon Farm Bureau
International Paper
Partnered Solutions IT
The Rink Exchange
Mountain Rose Herbs